Saturday 27 June 2020

How to find CATIA file version without open CATIA.

Hello Friends,

In daily life when we use CATIA as professional or student, we have to open file from clients or from others then many time we got a error at time of opening CATIA file is "Wrong Application Level".

Wrong application level in catia v5

This error reports comes because of software version difference means CATIA software can open lower version's file in newer/upgraded version software but can't open newer version's file in lower version software without using Add-in for down-gradable.

If you have file of CATIA V5- R2016 (V5R26) then you can open this file in CATIA V5-R2017 (V5R27) but you can't open it in CATIA V5- R2015 (V5R25)
Catia V5 file opening versions

Question:- we are not able to open it then how we can find the version of any file to get suitable version of software to open and work??

Answer:- For checking version follow some steps then we can check file version without opening it.

Step-1:-  We have this file to check its version.
catia v5 file to check version

Right Click on CATIA v5 File and Open into Notepad.

Opening notepad file

Step 2:-  Find "CATIAV5" in opened Notepad File.
And Get required Result. Check in Image-

catia opened in notepad

Some Videos Tutorials:- 


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